AnyConnect VPN - Setup for KSMTA VPN connections ISSUE: KSMTA, as of 2023-08-14, utilizes AnyConnect VPN as a connection to several clients which is not setup as a VPN client in our environment. SOLUTION: Enable VPN Panel in Cisco AnyConnect By default AnyConnect will only show Umbrella status when selecting it in task bar.We need to enable VPN access by editing a file in:C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile Right-Click on VPNDisable_ServiceProfile.xml and rename to VPNDisable_ServiceProfile.xml.old (anything works here as long as AnyConnect cant find the file.) Select Yes to prompt about changing file extension and Continue as Administrator Quit AnyConnect Client from taskbar or task manager Relaunch Cisco AnyConnect to show the newly enabled VPN Connections panel Adding VPN Connections to AnyConnect Obtain from user the correct domain or IP address used to connect to the client in question Currently two that have been used recently are:COX Transportation: MAGNUM Logistics: Enter Domain or IP Select Change Settings on Certificate error Change settings in AnyConnect PreferencesOLDNEW You will now have the "connect anyways" option. Select this option to Continue with VPN Connection. AnyConnect will save previous connections in the dropdown when opening the panel